17 AGUSTUS 2012
Aku memberi hormat padamu....Wahai ibu pertiwi
Yang telah menaungi rakyatmu di atas bumi ini
Tapi bukan hormatku untukmu....Hai si penjahat negeri
Yang menjadikan tanahku bagai tak berharga diri
Kau tetap tanah air ku....Tanah air kelahiranku
Kau tetap bangsaku.....Bangsa kebanggaanku
Kau tetap negeriku......Negeri tumpah darahku
Karena kau adalah Indonesiaku
Selamat ulang tahun negeriku
Selamat ulang tahun Indonesiaku
Aku memberi hormat padamu....Wahai ibu pertiwi
Yang telah menaungi rakyatmu di atas bumi ini
Tapi bukan hormatku untukmu....Hai si penjahat negeri
Yang menjadikan tanahku bagai tak berharga diri
Kau tetap tanah air ku....Tanah air kelahiranku
Kau tetap bangsaku.....Bangsa kebanggaanku
Kau tetap negeriku......Negeri tumpah darahku
Karena kau adalah Indonesiaku
Selamat ulang tahun negeriku
Selamat ulang tahun Indonesiaku
August 17, 2012
I salute to you .... O my motherland
That has been overshadowed your people on earth
But not my respect for you .... Hey the criminal domestic
What makes my land worthless as himself
You're still the country of my birth my homeland ....
You're still the pride of my people ..... Nation
You're still my country ...... my blood spilled Affairs
Because you are my Indonesia
Happy birthday to my country
Happy Birthday to my Indonesia
I salute to you .... O my motherland
That has been overshadowed your people on earth
But not my respect for you .... Hey the criminal domestic
What makes my land worthless as himself
You're still the country of my birth my homeland ....
You're still the pride of my people ..... Nation
You're still my country ...... my blood spilled Affairs
Because you are my Indonesia
Happy birthday to my country
Happy Birthday to my Indonesia
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